Greetings fellow Spiritual Searcher!
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills is a Liberal
Religious Community within Somerset County. We are a warm, welcoming,
friendly and (on our way to being) a "green" congregation.
Unitarian Universalists draw knowledge from a wide variety of religious
and philosophical teachings, including, among many others, Judaism,
Christianity, Buddhism and Humanism.
Here, your own individual beliefs are honored as you walk along your spiritual path .
There is a great social action
committee, an outreach program called The Giving Network and great
Adult Education , social and family events. Our Sunday services are thought- provoking and offer you opportunities for personal growth and reflection.
Our Sunday morning services are held in our church located at 123 East Cliff Street in Somerville. A full religious education program for children from nursery to high
school age is offered each Sunday during services. Please check out our
website for further information You can also feel free
to call our office 908-927-0601.