Brittany Stockman | SouthState Mortgage

Brittany Stockman | SouthState Mortgage

Brittany has been working in the mortgage department at SouthState Bank for 13 years. She has learned the ins and outs of the mortgage industry working in various positions, such as Post-closing, Final docs, and Capital Markets, before becoming a Mortgage Banker. Brittany always goes above and beyond, receiving the Mark of Distinction Award for Mortgage in Capital Markets and was also a Recipient of South Carolina Governors Award in Family Volunteer Division. Brittany and her family are active in their local church and community group and she is actively involved in her childrens' sports and local school. In her free time, Brittany and her family like to travel. Their favorite destinations include NYC, California, and Disney. Contact Brittany today and put her expertise to work for you.



Fixed-Rate Mortgages
Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
FHA Loans
VA Loans
USDA Loans
Construction Loans
Jumbo Loans
Lot Loans
Physical Loans
Portfolio Loans
Buyer's Advantage Mortgage
Community Advantage Mortgage
Condo Financing