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The Last Chance Mining Museum

The Last Chance Mining Museum
1001 Basin Rd


The Last Chance Mining Museum located at Juneau, Alaska. The Museum is located in the former Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Company’s historic Compressor Building, which was used by the mining company from 1912 until 1944. Concerning displays and what you can expect when visiting the Museum, visitors will encounter one of the world's largest mining air compressors, a host of industrial mining tools and artifacts associated with hard rock gold mining, as well as electric locomotives and rail cars which hauled men to the mine and ore to the mill. Access to the Museum is via a short hike up a scenic hill on a trail of uneven terrain, but is well worth the effort. The Museum is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and Alaska Gold Rush Properties. The Museum is open daily from mid May to late September from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, then from 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The admission fee is $4. For additional information about the Museum or about visiting the Museum, contact the Last Chance Mining Museum at 907-586-5338 or, or by mail at 1001 Basin Road, Juneau, AK 99801.