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Talespinner Children's Theatre

Talespinner Children's Theatre
5209 Detroit Avenue

About Us:

Talespinner Children's Theatre is a Cleveland-based company that develops and produces highly imaginative, original, collaborative and interactive professional works for children that also stimulate creative growth in its artists. At any time, these pieces may involve acting, dance, music, puppetry, tumbling, drumming, and numerous other artistic disciplines as imagined by the artistic teams working with and for TCT, and are open to all creative possibility. TCT's aim is to bring theatre to the community in its fullest form providing excitement, growth and joy for all who are involved in and/or touched by its work.

Talespinner Children's Theatre strives to reach across socio-economic, cultural and traditional boundaries to help awaken and bring better understanding by opening eyes, ears, hearts and imaginations in the young people (and artists) of Cleveland and its surrounds.
