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Reading Community Television

224 Ash Street

Creative Arts, a regional non-profit school of music, visual arts and theatre, recently received an $18,000 grant from a private foundation for an arts growth and collaboration project beginning with Reading Community Television (RCTV).

A portion of the funds will be used to expand the partnership that began with a television acting class earlier this year. During summer 2006 “Acting Out at RCTV” and “Television Production” camps which will be co-taught by Creative Arts’ Theatre Director Angela Merrill and RCTV’s Executive Director Phil Rushworth. The full intent of the grant, however, is beyond joint programming, according to Jennifer Hart, Executive Director for Creative Arts. “What the grant allows us to do is explore the possibility of a long-term partnership with RCTV, one that not only allows us to share administrative space and programming but also to reach out and unite with other art and community groups,” she said.

Ultimately, the grant permits Hart and Rushworth to investigate an even broader undertaking - the viability of a Community Center for Art, Culture and Technology, a center that would give a home to many community organizations and be able to foster the development of others. Such a center could give groups, such as the Reading Symphony Orchestra and Reading Community Singers, access to storage, rehearsal and performance space, shared office space and administrative personnel, and shared media capabilities. The center would include gallery space and a possible function area that could be rented out to the public for private parties. Another significant benefit of the center would be centralized publicity and coordination concerning the scheduling and advertising of local events.

Prior to receiving the grant, Creative Arts and RCTV began feasibility studies to document their needs independently, and then as a joint venture between the two institutions. The need for more space and updated facilities is a current reality for both Creative Arts and RCTV. For almost a year, Hart and Rushworth have been meeting with community leaders and developers for their insight and support of such a project. They have investigated some properties both in and around Reading.

“The growth and collaboration project will involve a long process. But we have faith in the community to see what such a center could bring to the area. We are grateful for the generous support of this foundation in jump starting our effort and believing in our vision. We hope others will feel inspired to offer Creative Arts and RCTV their input, as well,” said Hart. Rushworth is also excited at the prospects that the grant offers. “I am thankful this grant will give us the opportunity to explore what would be both a joint arts venture as well as a wonderful asset to the community.” If you would like more information about this collaboration or the growth and space needs of either organization, please contact Creative Arts’ Executive Director Jennifer Hart at 781.942.9600 or, or contact RCTV’s Executive Director Phil Rushworth at 781.944.8888 or Both organizations are actively pursuing and welcome the support and assistance of other community groups, individuals, developers, and other leaders interested in keeping, building and growing these and other great cultural assets in the community.