The goals of the
Be Able To Communicate Effectively And Appropriately In A Variety Of Settings. Be A Skillful, Lifelong, Self-Directed Learner Who Takes Pride In His/Her Efforts And Holds High Expectations. Possess High Level Thinking Skills, Effective Research Skills, And Productive Study Skills. Function Effectively And Ethically—On Both An Independent And Collaborative Basis—In Educational, Home, Community, Work Place, And Social Settings. Possess Effective Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, And Conflict Resolution Skills. Demonstrate Responsibility And Respect For Self, Others, And The Environment. Demonstrate Behaviors That Exhibit Physical, Emotional, And Psychological Wellness, And Possess A Positive Self-Concept That Enables Him/Her To Cope With Life’s Challenges.
Master, Apply, And Integrate Curricula Content Within Educational, Career, Social, And Community Settings. Know How To Identify, Explore, And Pursue Education And Career Opportunities Throughout Life. Possess And Be Able To Apply Daily Living And Parenting Skills. Be Able To Aesthetically Respond To Artistic, Cultural, And Intellectual Accomplishments.