Henry E. Harris School is a large, neighborhood elementary school celebrating an eighty year history as an educational landmark. It is a school that has evolved and adapted to the changes in the community. It has grown to meet the every increasing population with a new pre kindergarten half day program, and two full-time kindergarten classes. Enrollment in the school is approximately six hundred students with an average class size of twenty-five.
Our goal is to ensure the educational success of all students. Our school is committed to presenting a stimulating curriculum aligned with the New Jersey Content Standards which promotes academic achievement and which will ultimately lead to career success for our students and healthy, productive citizens for the school community.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Henry E. Harris is to ensure the educational success of the whole child by celebrating the cultural diversity, individual interests and personal talents of our students-- to develop a strong sense of responsibility to oneself and to the community.
As part of our school mission, we strive to aid our students to become healthy, happy, productive and fulfilled citizens of the future. At Henry E. Harris, we provide a consistent, well-disciplined, strong learning environment which meets the academic, social, emotional and physical needs of our students.