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Alprilla Farm

94 John Wise Avenue

Lots of veggies, PYO herbs and flowers.

Alprilla Farm raises organic (not certified) vegetables that we distribute through a CSA, the Cape Ann Farmers Market and other local venues. Our CSA runs June through October with weekly on-farm pickup every Wednesday. PYO flowers, herbs and other produce is included in the share.

CSA Details:
- Season:June through October
- Type:Single farm
- Since:2011
- No of Shares:40
- Full Share:$600/year
- Work Req?No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:

Alprilla Farm  (Wed)
Shareholders pick up their veggies from the farm, from 2:00 to 7:00 on Wednesday afternoons.
Contact:Noah Kellerman
Phone:978 273 9339
Address:94 John Wise Ave, Essex, MA 01929 
