
MDP Statement on Montana’s Primary Election - Statewide Races

Government and Politics

June 4, 2024

Helena, MT – The Montana Democratic Party’s Executive Director, Sheila Hogan, released the following statement as polls closed on primary election night:

“Running for public office requires a tremendous amount of energy, effort, and time. Candidates are working hard and putting themselves out there every day, which means spending time away from family and loved ones. We are grateful to all our candidates who decided to step up and fight for working Montana families.

“We know that Montanans deserve better than record-high property taxes, utility rate hikes, and laws that limit personal freedoms, and Montana Democrats will deliver. We have an amazing slate of candidates running in every corner of our state that will fight to lower costs, improve public education, increase government transparency, and relentlessly defend our constitutional rights and the Montana constitution.

“There’s too much on the line in 2024, and our candidates are ready to fight tooth and nail on behalf of Montanans and their families.”

The Montana Democratic Party released a video statement highlighting what candidates are saying on primary election night.