Government and Politics
August 23, 2024
The Iowa delegation would like to issue a formal thank you to all the speakers that attended the DNC. The energy, the integrity, the ideas they brought to the convention inspired everyone that witnessed it. Those speakers included:, former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, former Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlan Gilchrist, Iowa House Democratic Majority Leader Jennifer Konfrst, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, Chasten Buttigieg, New Mexico Rep. Melanie Stansbury, Iowa State Rep. Zach Wahls, Deidre DeJear, Iowa Senate Democratic Majority Leader Pam Jochum and IA-03 Candidate Lanon Bacaam.
“This week proved that the Democratic Party is standing strong and united as we head into November. After attending the Democratic National Convention, Iowa Democrats are more confident than ever heading into the final stretch of the 2024 campaign season. We heard from folks like Rep. Melanie Stansbury who know how to win tough races and leaders like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Senator Amy Klobuchar who have led their states to victory countless times. The fight for freedom will continue after the DNC ends, but it’s easier knowing we have our friends by our side. Together, we can accomplish anything. Never forget that,” said IDP Chair Rita Hart.