
Holiday Lights Coming to Old Town Goleta on November 7, 2024

Arts and Entertainment

October 18, 2024

From: City of Goleta

Watch the Big Reveal Followed by a Holiday Stroll Down Hollister Avenue

Shooting stars will soon light up Hollister Avenue in Old Town Goleta and you are invited to be there for the exciting moment when these colorful displays turn on for the first time. Come join us on Thursday, November 7 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for a community celebration to welcome the new lights to Old Town, thank those who made it happen, and to kick off the GoodLandGoodShopping season. Spanish interpretation will be available.

Here is the plan: Meet at the gazebo in front of the Goleta Community Center (5679 Hollister Avenue) at 5:00 p.m. We will have live music, hot chocolate and cookies. Hear remarks from Mayor Paula Perotte, 2nd District Councilmember James Kyriaco, and Ed Holdren from the Greater Goleta Santa Barbara Lions Club. The lights will go on as soon as it is dark enough and we will all be together to clap and cheer when the exciting moment happens. A big thank you to the Lions Club for securing the necessary funding to wrap the poles in colorful garland and bring us this holiday lights project, which would not have been possible without the generous support from the Goleta Valley Community Center Organization (GVCC).

The beautiful lights are sure to get everyone in the holiday spirit and will especially be a great addition to the Old Town Goleta Holiday Parade to be held on Saturday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. For parade details go to https://goletaholidayparade.org/. If you haven’t signed up to be in the parade or help volunteer, there will be a sign-up table at the Holiday Lights event.

After the lights go on, we encourage you to stay and stroll down Hollister Avenue in Old Town and visit a number of restaurants and businesses who are open and ready to serve you. Stay tuned for a list of business participating. If you are an Old Town Business and want to be included in the Holiday Lights Stroll, send an email to PIO@CityofGoleta.org by Friday, October 25th.

Remember, shopping local for the holidays is an incredible gift for our local economy. Go to GoodLandGoodShopping for list of business that call Goleta home and choose a local merchant for your holiday shopping list.

Also, there is the Shop EveryTown mobile app that makes it easy to support the small businesses in your neighborhood that you love. The app is free to both shoppers and small businesses and designed to encourage shopping locally. Download the app and earn points as you visit participating businesses. Businesses can enroll and create a free profile to participate by going to https://shopeverytown.com/business-portal/. Community members can check out the upcoming challenges on the app to earn points and prizes including the October 31 Candy Crawl, Tis the Season November 1 – 30, and Shop Small Saturday on November 30. For more information, stop by the Shop EveryTown table at the Holiday Lights event.

We can’t wait to see you on November 7th for this exciting Holiday Lights event!