
City of Dublin - Summary of Actions Taken by Dublin City Council on Tuesday, January 10

Government and Politics

January 11, 2023

From: City of Dublin

Summary of Actions Taken by Dublin City Council on Tuesday, January 10

At its meeting held on Tuesday, January 10, the Dublin City Council took a number of actions.  Below is a summary of actions taken:

-Recognized sponsors who contributed to City events, programs, and facilities in 2022. 

-Recognized the 80th Anniversary of Parks Reserve Forces Training Area (Camp Parks). 

-Presented Certificates of Recognition to the winners of the 2022 “Deck the Homes” Holiday Home Decorating Contest.

-Introduced new City of Dublin Staff members: Gabrielle Abdon, Associate Civil Engineer, with the Public Works Department; and Gary Gosal, Captain, with Dublin Police Services.  

-Approved the minutes of the December 20, 2022, Regular City Council Meeting. 

-Approved the recommended funding allocations for the Youth Advisory Committee Mini-Grant Program. 

-Approved the plans and specifications and awarded a contract to St. Francis Electric for the Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade - Conduit Installation for Future Fiber Interconnect on Dublin Boulevard Project. 

-Approved an agreement with Slide Guys Restoration, Inc., for Waterslide Maintenance Services, and approved a budget change. 

-Accepted the Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement Project. 

-Approved the artwork proposal by AvalonBay Communities for the Avalon West/St. Patrick’s Way development project. 

-Authorized remote meetings of City Council and City Commissions due to an increase in COVID-19 cases. 

-Authorized the City Manager to execute Parcel Map 10999 as property owner to allow for the merger and subdivision of parcels for Don Biddle Community Park. 

-Approved the Official Proclamation list and the Annual Proclamation with the following changes: moved Lunar New Year to the month of January 2023; and added the following proclamations - Arab-American Heritage Month in April, the Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival in September, and Italian-American Heritage Month and German-American Heritage Month in October.

-Adopted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and found the Plan exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. 

-Adopted the Local Roadway Safety Plan and found the Plan exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.