Religion and Spirituality
January 8, 2024
From: Bethesda Lutheran ChurchJanuary 7, 2024
Baptism of Our Lord
Worship at 9:30 am
Presiding Minister: Pastor Tim Keyl
Assisting Minister: Blair Goodlin
Organist and Choir Director:
Mark Brombaug, with Bethesda Choir
Lectors: Richard Ford & Dianne Witte
Altar Guild: Clarissa Wylie Youngberg
Ushers: Dan and Clara Crotight
Livestream: Ray Bussolini
Coffee Set-Up: Veronica Brisson
Bread Baker: Karen Harris
Worship Livestream
We stream Sunday worship services live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. Join us live at 9:30 am every Sunday or watch the recording afterward.
This Sunday:
Come at least eight minutes before worship Sunday, January 7 for the prelude. The prelude this Sunday is an expressive setting of the Sending Hymn, “O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright,” by Dieterich Buxtehude, a Lutheran (1637-1707). Buxtehude presents colorful variations of the chorale phrases in this 8-minute chorale fantasia.
This Week at Bethesda
Monday 1/8
12:00pm: Staff Meeting - Parish house Living Room, Zoom
7:00pm: Executive Committee Meeting - LuMin Room, Zoom
Thursday 1/11
12:00pm: TLC Lunch - Parish House Living Room
7:00pm: Craft Group - Muhlenberg Room
7:00pm: Choir Rehearsal - Chapel
Friday 1/12
Confirmation Youth and Families Retreat at Calumet (returning 1/15)
Sunday 1/14
9:30am: Worship - Sanctuary
11:00am: Coffee Hour and Learning Hour for all ages - Campanius Room and various locations
From the Pastor
Time after Epiphany
Rather than a season per se, we are entering into time in a new way after the Twelve Days of Christmas. Call it Time after Epiphany, where the feast of the Baptism of our Lord begins it (January 7), and the feast of the Transfiguration concludes it (February 11). Then comes Lent (Ash Wednesday is Valentine’s Day, February 14)!
In the new year of 2024, after the Baptism of our Lord, the green Sundays begin again (starting January 14). It’s a time to think about the expansive reach of God throughout the world. It’s a time to think about our walk with Jesus, as we hear stories of Jesus’ call to the first disciples and see him healing and casting out demons. In this year’s Gospel of Mark (my favorite Gospel), Jesus is primarily known for what he does, a kind of wonder worker, with a breathless pace to demonstrate the reign of God at hand.
While it is winter, we look for the brightness of God to shine in and through us. While the sinfulness of the world careens with war and climate change, we commit to justice and care for the earth God made.
At Bethesda, we are discerning our community’s place in New Haven with a potential new partnership with a building user. With this potential change emerging, our core conviction remains that God is leading us into new paths where the Gospel is our primary treasure, the sacraments keep us in faith, and service is our primary vocation.
Thank you for wondrous Christmas celebrations. May God continue to bless us into the future.
Pastor Tim
Bread bakers needed for February,
please email Cynthia if you can help -- [email protected]
Olivewood to Benefit Bethlehem Artisans
Pastor Keyl is acquiring handmade olivewood crafts on January 17 and available to take home beginning Sunday, January 24. To place your order in advance, look for a sign-up sheet to make your product selection. Questions? Ask Pastor Keyl or email Leigh Cromey at [email protected]. See the items below:
2 large olive wood nativity music boxes ($70 ea)
2 small nativities with rustic wood backs ($20 ea)
5 medium nativities ($35 ea)
3 small nativities ($12 ea)
2 medium bells with holy family carving ($30 ea)
2 medium holy family carvings ($50)
2 small bell with holy family carvings ($10)
1 small star holy family carving ($25)
1 palm cross ($7)
2 peace dove pins ($4 ea)
6 holy family tree ornaments ($5 ea)
Bethesda Bible Study
Bethesda Bible study meets every 2 weeks and is currently studying The Letter to the Romans.
The next meeting will be at 8AM to 9AM on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. We will discuss The Letter to the Romans 8:18-39 which corresponds to N. T. Wright's Romans chapter 10. Please read the selections before the meeting.
New: Please make a note of any question that is important to you.
Rather than discuss all the questions, we will spend more time on questions that interest us, intrigue us, puzzle us, or just makes us think.
To access the call on Zoom, join from PC, Mac, Linux, IOS or Android;
or Telephone: 203 432 9666
Meeting ID: 961 0888 6279
There's lots to do at Bethesda, and volunteers are always needed to do it! Before, during, and after worship, and during the week, too. Step out of your pew comfort zone and sign up to help. If you're a rookie, we'll show you how. Spread the joy of participation around! Thanks to Martin and Becky for tackling teller duty.
NOTICE Annual Meeting January 28, 2024
The Congregation Council has set Sunday, January 28, for Bethesda’s Annual Meeting. It will follow worship and be held in the Campanius Room.
The agenda includes:
- A review of the 2023 Annual Report (to be distributed electronically prior to the meeting, with hard copies available by request)
- ACTION: Ratify amendments to Bethesda’s constitution.
- ACTION: Approve the 2024 budget.
- ACTION: Elect candidates to open Council positions as proposed by the Nominating Committee
- Updates on Bethesda’s Sustainable Future: discerning partnership with non-profits while our ministry continues.
A light potluck lunch will precede the meeting. We ask that you provide food in categories by last name:
A - E -- please bring desserts
F - K -- please bring sandwiches
L - Y -- please bring salads
Vegetarian, dairy-free, and gluten-free options are appreciated. Please label your food offerings.
Childcare will be provided during the meeting.
Bethesda Music Series
The next BMS concert will be presented on Feb. 25 at 4:30 will feature Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem. Donations from the concert will benefit Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen (DESK) and will be a collaboration with the choir of First Presbyterian Church in New Haven.
Abraham’s Tent (AT) week is February 19-25
After a multi-year hiatus beginning with the COVID pandemic outbreak, this interfaith homeless shelter program, in partnership with Columbus House, has resumed in a new way. Volunteers from faith communities will provide dinner and companionship with ten men from Columbus House each week during the winter. AT will not be at congregations, but at the Wallingford Emergency Shelter (WES). Commitments include meal preparation, evening companionship, and lunch bags for the next day, with onsite presence from about 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Columbus House will provide its own overnight staffing. Bethesda will be collaborating with Spring Glen United Church of Christ. Bethesda groups will be invited to staff one or more evenings.
Coordinating this year’s AT will be Dan Cortright and Pastor Keyl.
Pastoral Care
If you’d like to meet with Pastor Keyl, please make an appointment through Bethesda’s administrator Leigh Cromey [email protected] or by calling (203) 787-2346 most weekday mornings. Pastor Keyl can meet at your home, at Bethesda, or over a cup of coffee somewhere.
Prayer Requests
For healing and strength: Becky Lerud (surgery January 8th), Dan Cortright; Michele Meyer, daughter-in-law of Marietta Meyer; Linda Johnson; John Ferreira, nephew of Chris Couture; Sonja Krummrey; Maureen Anderson; Shirley Farm; Ann and Lee Keck; Kay Leone; Molly Dinneen; Matthew H., cousin of Tyler Fair
For our partners in the Gospel: the congregations and schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and LuMin Campus Ministry; for Bethesda House and Yale Divinity School students.
Pray for an end to violence in the Middle East: Donations are being received for our companion synod the ELCJHL through Bethesda, using “ELCJHL” in the memo, or “Special Gifts” on Tithely.
For Bethesda New Haven: that God continues to guide us into the future with ministries of witness, service, hospitality, and care while building up our community in all its diversity.
For those in candidacy or seeking candidacy for rostered leadership in the ELCA: Natalie Benson, Gabrielle Brown, Tyler Fair, Calli Micale, Tim Bergeland, Jordan Baker, Eric Pitts.
For those who celebrate: Remembering the anniversary of Greta Lee’s baptism on January 16th, 2011.