
2023 Missions Convention

Religion and Spirituality

October 13, 2023

From: Calvary Christian Church

The Bible speaks of our prayers as sweet-smelling incense before the Lord. Just like Paul asked the early church to pray for him as he preached the Gospel, our missionaries ask us and need us to pray for them. It is always wonderful to let them know that Calvary is praying. On Sunday you will hear from some of them about how meaningful your prayers have been. Once again, we invite you to make a commitment to pray. Below you will learn about some opportunities to join us in praying this year. Would you consider committing to join with one or two others to pray together for our missionaries? Let us know, and we will help connect you with others who share your burden for the nations.

Do you have a desire to be more involved in missions at Calvary? Would you like to learn first-hand about the work our missionaries are doing on a regular basis? We invite you to make a commitment to know the mission we are a part of. Missions Connect, where we have missionaries sharing their stories with us, is the first Thursday of each month. Our Calvary Missions Team, which helps plan our annual missions convention, meets on the first Saturday of every month. If you are interested in being a part of these groups, take a moment to let us know by going to https://calvary.link/missionsteam. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Ben at pastorben@calvarychristian.church.  

Our missionaries are incredibly grateful to know that the people of Calvary are praying for them. Beginning next Sunday, we are starting something brand new so we can pray together for our missionaries. As you commit to praying this year, would you consider joining us between services on Sunday’s at 10:00am or 12:00pm as we take 10 minutes to pray for our missionaries and nations of the world? We’ll meet right here in the front of the sanctuary for this missions prayer moment. Please direct questions and inquiries to Pastor Ben at pastorben@calvarychristian.church

Have you ever thought it would be great to spend time with our missionaries in their cultures? This year you can, without having to travel at all. Join us for The Global Experience on Saturday, October 28 at 5:00pm. We will have a special time of worship with songs from around the world, and missionaries joining us in person in an immersive experience. This is an event for the whole family that you don’t want to miss. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Ben at pastorben@calvarychristian.church.

Calvary Kids is hosting Noah’s Ark Bash on Sunday, October 29 from 6:00pm - 8:30pm. There will be trunk or treat, family worship, and a live animal show! Be sure to dress up as your favorite animal. Pre-register the entire family so we know you are coming, https://calvary.link/noahsarkbash. You do not want to miss out! All children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Ryan at pastorryan@calvarychristian.church.

We want to do something special during Missions Convention this year. We love to celebrate the cultures and nations represented at Calvary. We are preparing a video for The Global Experience and need your help. We invite you to record a video of yourself saying, “Praise God,” in a language that is close to your heart. If you want to submit a video, please go to https://calvary.link/praisegod. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Ben at pastorben@calvarychristian.church.

Encounter Night is our monthly young adult service for ages 18-35 where we come together for a single purpose: to encounter God. Whether you’re looking for emotional or physical healing, deliverance from addictions or past hurts, or just want to spend time in God’s presence - Encounter Night is the place to be! Please join us on Sunday, October 22 in the Sanctuary for a special missions’ emphasis night. Doors open at 6:30pm and service starts at 7:00pm. For more information, please reach out to Pastor Clark at pastorclark@calvarychristian.church

Our women’s ministry is excited to be a part of Calvary’s 2023 Missions Convention! Please join us on Saturday, October 21 at 8:00AM for our annual Ladies Missions Breakfast. We will hear words of hope and power about all that is doing globally from one of Calvary’s missionaries. Pre-registration is required and can be completed at https://calvary.link/ladiesmissionsbreakfast2023. Childcare will be provided. For more information, please connect with Jennifer Cassidy at women@calvarychristian.church