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Valhalla Lions Club

Valhalla Crossing

I am a Valhalla Lion and I am proud to serve the needs of my community.

You probably know me from the many light bulbs and endless number of raffle tickets I have tried to sell you. But do you really know who I am.

I am your spouse, your father, your brother, your neighbor, your uncle, your friend. I have been your priest, your teacher, your milkman, your soccer coach, your local deli man, and even your Town Judge.

I come from all walks of life. I have been:

• A lawyer, a doctor, an accountant and a school superintendent.

• An electrician, a salesman, a real estate broker, and a security guard.

• A grocer, a truck driver, a computer programmer, and a bank executive.

• A travel agent, a funeral director, a printer, and an insurance man.

• A fireman, a teacher, a policeman, and a musician.

• A dentist, an entrepreneur, and sometimes just a retiree.

You name it and I have probably done it.

I have served the needs of my community in many ways over my thirty years of existence.

 I have helped the Valhalla Ambulance Corp. build anew home, buy a new ambulance, purchase a new radio system, and obtain new equipment.

I have helped the Mt. Pleasant Senior Citizens get special vans to travel around in, renovate their Senior Citizen Center with new carpeting and a new kitchen, and taken them to plays and dinners. 

I have provided many of you with scholarships to continue your education

I have sponsored a solid skills development and drug awareness program into your school.

I have helped the North White Plains Library provide you with educational and entertaining youth programs.

I have sponsored your Little League Team.

I have helped the Boy Scouts purchase new equipment.

I have contributed to your Church's projects.

I have helped Blythedale purchase equipment to train their children to walk.

I have helped St. Jude's care for the handicapped.

I have helped build the gazebo in the village square and purchase the Christmas decorations that adorn our town during the holiday season.

I have sponsored free health screenings to keep you well.

I have helped your fire company purchase a Jaws of Life.

I have helped Make-a-Wish bring happiness to a dying child.

I have provided food for the needy within our own town.

I have manned the kettles and rung bells at Christmas for the Salvation Army.

I have sponsored poster contest in your schools to heighten your awareness for peace and substance abuse.

I have helped purchase a new station wagon for Rosary Hill.

I have cared for the blind, collecting old eyeglasses, sponsoring summer camperships, maintaining and rebuilding the camp as needed, sponsoring, graduation dinners for Guiding Eyes, and contributing to the expansion of their training facilities in Yorktown.

I am even involved in contributing to a worldwide effort through the Lions Sight First project to stamp out all preventable blindness.

I have even helped clean up your streets through the Adopt-a-Highway program and provided blood screenings for the nationwide bone marrow donor program.

As you can see, I care about our community. I am concerned about its needs, especially for those less fortunate than I.

And my only hope is that these needs will not be forgotten and that there will always be a Valhalla Lions Club to answer their call.

And our wish and challenge to you is this. That some day you might be as excited as we are to stand up and proclaim to your community that:

"I am a Valhalla Lion and I am proud to serve the needs of my community".