About Us:
The OTSA Shooting Park strives to provide a safe and friendly atmosphere for shotgun enthusiasts of all ages. Our first priority is safety, so we encourage all visitors to read and follow all of the safety rules.
In addition to hosting the annual Oklahoma State Trapshoot, we have several other registered trap shoots throughout the year. Please check the Registered Shoots page for dates and detailed information. All of our trap fields are equipped with Canterbury Voice Release and Pat Traps, and we only throw White Flyer targets.
For your convenience you can purchase shotgun shells, candy bars, soft drinks, and ear plugs in the club house. For those shooters who need eye protection, we have a few pairs for loan at no charge.
In order to participate in ATA Registered Trap Shoots, you must become a member of the OTSA (Oklahoma Trap & Skeet Association) and the ATA (Amateur Trapshooting Association). The dues are $20 per year for the OTSA and $20 per year for the ATA. All shooters must purchase an annual membership or be a guest of a current member. All members are eligible to purchase a reduced rate punch ($2 per round discount) card as well.