
Wyoming's Big Show 2024

Arts and Entertainment

July 12, 2024

From: Wyoming's Big Show


July 30,2024

2:00pm: Petting Zoo Opens-East Tent
2:30pm:  BarnYard Race-East Tent
3:00pm: 4-H/FFA Poultry Show-small Hall
3:00pm: The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
3:00pm :Sir Mimealot -strolling
3:00pm: Flo The Clown-strolling around
3:30pm:  Otter Adventure- West Tent
3:30pm: Bear Hallow Wood Carvers -Grass Area
3:30pm: Lanky The Clown- strolling Midway
3:30pm: Pirate Man Dan- Strolling Midway
4:00pm: Barnyard Races - East Tent
4:30pm-The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
5:00pm: 4/H-FFA Mini Coustume Class- Indoor Arena
5:00pm:  Sir Mimealot- strolling midway
5:00pm:  Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
5:00pm:  Bear Hallow Wood Carvers- Grass Area
5:30pm:  Lanky The Clown-Strolling MIdway
5:30pm:  Barnyard Race
6:00pm:  Browns Amusement Carnival- Carnival
6:00pm:  Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
6:00pm:  Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
6:30pm:  Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
6:30pm: Mermaid Anna- Strolling Midway
7:00pm:  Barnyard Races-East Tent
7:00pm:  Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
7:30pm:  Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
8:00pm:  The Unicycling Unciorn- Strolling Midway
8:00pm:  Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
8:00pm:  Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
8:30pm:  Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
8:30pm:  Barnyard Races-East Tent
8:30pm:  Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
8:30pm:  Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
8:30pm: Otter Adventure-West tent
8:30pm:  Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
8:30pm:  Chase Beckham Concert-Main Stage

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July 31,2024

10:30am:  Main Gates Open-Grounds
10:30am:  Petting Zoo Opens-East Tent
11:00am:  The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
11:30am:  Otter Adventure-West Tent
11:00am:  Barnyard Races-East Tent
11:30am:  Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
12:00pm:  Browns Amusement Carnival-Browns amusement Carnival
12:00pm:  Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
12:30pm:  Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
1:00pm:  Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
1:30pm:  The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
1:30pm:  Barn Yard Race-East Tent
2:00pm:  Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
2:30pm:  Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
2:30pm:  Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
3:00pm:  Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
3:00pm:  Barnyard Races-East Tent
3:30pm: Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
4:00pm:  4-H/FFA Sheep Showmanship-Indoor Arena
4:00pm:  The Unicycling Unciorn-Strolling Midway
4:30pm:  Barnyard Race-East Tent
5:00pm:  Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
5:00pm:  Otter Adventure-West Tent
5:30pm:  Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass area
5:30pm:  Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
5:30pm:  Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
6:00pm:  Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
6:00pm:  Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
6:30pm:  Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
6:30pm:  Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
6:30pm:  Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
7:00pm:  Barnyard Races-East Tent
7:00pm: Wool Judging-Sheep Barn
7:00pm:  Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
7:30pm:  Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
7:30pm:  Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
8:00pm:  Barnyard Races-East tent
8:30pm: Slaughter Concert-Main Stage

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August 1,2024

10:00 AM: 4-H/FFA Beef Showman & Market-Indoor Arena
10:30 AM: Petting Zoo Opens-East Tent
11:00 AM: Barnyard Races-East Tent
11:00 AM: The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
12:00 PM: Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
12:30 PM:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass area
1:00 PM: Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
1:00 PM: Barnyard Race-East Tent
1:30 PM: Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
1:30 PM:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
2:00 PM:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
2:00 PM:Otter Adventure-West Tent
2:30 PM:Barnyard Races-East Tent
2:30 PM: Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
3:00 PM:4-H/FFA Sheep Showmanship & Market-Indoor Arena
3:00 PM:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
3:00 PM:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
3:30 PM:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
3:30 PM:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
4:00 PM:Barnyard Races-East Tent
4:00 PM:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
4:00 PM:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
4:30 PM:Bear Hallow Wood Carving-Grass Area
4:30 PM:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
4:30 PM: Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
5:00 PM:Browns Amusement Carnival-Browns Amusement Opens
5:00 PM:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
5:00 PM:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
5:30 PM: Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
5:30 PM:Barnyard Races-East Tent
6:00 Pm: Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
6:00 PM: Sir mimealot-Strolling Midway
6:30 PM: Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
6:30 PM: Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
7:00 PM: Randall King Concert-Main Stage
7:00 PM:Barnyard Races-East Tent
7:30 PM: Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
8:30 PM: Kameron Marlowe Concert-Main Stage
10:00 PM: Tris Munsick Concert-Bush Light After party- Pepsi Tent

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August 2,2024

7:00am:4-H/FFA Livestock, Exhibit Release-Indoor Arena
8:00am:4-H Dog Agillty,Rally-Grass area
10:30am:Main Gates Open-Grounds
10:30am:Petting Zoo opens-East Tent
11:00am:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
11:00am:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
11:00am:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
11:30am:Barnyard Races-East Tent
12:00pm:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
12:30pm:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
12:30pm:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
1:00pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
1:30pm:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
1:30pm:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
2:00pm:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
2:30pm:Otter Adventure-West Tent
2:30pm:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
3:00pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
3:00pm:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
3:30pm:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
4:00pm:Browns Amusement Carnival-Brown Amusement Carnival Opens
4:00pm:Lanky The Clown:Strolling Midway
4:00pm:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
4:30pm:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
4:30pm:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
4:30pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
5:00pm:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
5:00pm:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
5:00pm:Otter Adventure-West Tent
5:30pm:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
5:30pm:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
5:30pm:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
6:00pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
6:00pm:Sir Mimealot
6:30pm:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
7:00pm:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
7:00pm:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
7:00pm:Restless Road Concert-Main Stage
8:30pm:Craig Morgan Concert-Main Stage
10:00pm:Fire Workshow-Main Stage
10:00pm:Tris Munsick & The Innocents-Busch Light After Party - Pepsi Tent
9:00am:4-H/FFA State Fair meeting-Mandtory-Indoor Arena
10:30am:Main Gates Open-Grounds
10:30am:Petting Zoo Opens-East Tent

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August 3,2024

10:45am: 4-H/FFA Shooting Sports Awards-Indoor Arena
11:00 am:4-H/FFA Horse Presentation Award-Indoor Arena
11:00 am:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
11:30 am:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
11:30 am:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
12:00 pm:Premuim Payout-Exhibit Hall Info Desk
12:00 pm:LiveStock Auction Buyers BBQ-Indoor Arena
12:00 pm:Otter Adventure-West Tent
12:00 pm:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
12:30 pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
12:30 pm:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
1:00 pm:Browns Amusement Carnival-Browns Amusement Carnival Opens
1:00 pm:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
1:30pm:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
1:30 pm:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
2:00 pm:Otter Adventure-West Tent
2:30 pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
2:30 pm:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
3:00 pm:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
3:00 pm:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
3:30 pm:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
3:30 pm:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
4:00 pm:The Unicycling Unicorn-Strolling Midway
4:00 pm:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
4:30 pm:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
4:30 pm:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
5:00 pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
5:00 pm:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
5:30 pm:Otter Adventure-West Tent
5:30 pm:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
6:00 pm:Fame On Fire Concert-Main Stage
6:00 pm:Bear Hallow Wood Carvers-Grass Area
6:30 pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
6:30 pm:Sir Mimealot-Strolling Midway
7:00 pm:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
7:00 pm:Lanky The Clown-Strolling Midway
7:30 pm:Bad Wolves Concert-Main Stage
7:30 pm:Pirate Man Dan-Strolling Midway
8:00 pm:Flo The Clown-Strolling Midway
8:00 pm:Barnyard Races-East Tent
8:00 pm:Mermaid Anna-Strolling Midway
9:00 pm:Atreyu Concert-Main Stage
10:30 pm: Fireworks Show-Main Stage
10:30 pm:Tris Munsick and The Innocents-Bush Light After Party-Pepsi Tent

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Date: July 30-August 3,2024

Location: Various Location at RockSprings

Click Here for more information