Schools and Libraries
June 12, 2023
From: Southbury Public LibrarySummer Reading 2023: Now through August 4!
Summer Reading 2023 has begun! Join us for reading rewards, special events, and more! Our theme this year is "Find Your Voice!"
All parts of summer reading (registration, time tracking, and raffle tickets) are available both in person and online this year. Once you register, you can keep track of your reading on a paper log or virtually. You can also mix-and-match between paper and virtual logging depending on what works better for you and your family.
How do you register for Summer Reading?
Register in person at the library anytime during our open hours, or
Online via the BeanStack Website, or
Online via the BeanStack App (Apple App Store or Google Play Store for Androids)
Read on to find out about our Summer Reading Program for each age group, and to see the highlights of our special events this summer! We would love to have you join us this summer!
Table of Contents
Pre-K: 0 through Entering Kindergarten
Children's: Entering Grades 1-5
Teen: Entering Grades 6-12 (and Class of 2023 12th Grade Graduates)
- Sponsored by the Friends of the Southbury Public Library
Summer Reading Program
You can start counting your time read as soon as you are signed up! You can track your reading on a paper log from the library, OR through the BeanStack App or Website, regardless of which way you register.
Pre-K: Birth through Kindergarten
Children entering Kindergarten and younger may participate in our Pre-K Summer Reading Program. Read every day with a parent or caregiver! Keep track of the days you read and get a sticker for each day read. To log your reading, you can get a paper log or track your reading on our Summer Reading Software, Beanstack!
You can also participate in 1000 Books Before Kindergarten alongside our Pre-K Summer Reading Program! For every book you read, get one sticker! If you read all 1000 books, you get a Completion Certificate, small prize bag, and you can get your picture put on our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Wall of Fame!
Children’s: Entering Grades 1-5
Children entering Grades 1-5 may participate in our Children's Summer Reading Program. Read as much as you can this summer! 1 hour read = 1 raffle ticket for different prizes! The more you read, the more entries you have to win one of our big prize drawings at the end! Keep track of how much time you read in minutes or hours and log it on your paper log or online through Beanstack, our online Summer Reading program. You can then submit your tickets either in person as paper tickets, or online as virtual tickets. Each hour you read also gets you an hourly bead with our new Read for Beads program!
Teen: Entering Grades 6-12 (& Class of 2023)
Tweens and teens entering Grades 6-12 (or Class of 2023 12th Grade graduates) can participate in our Teen Summer Reading Program! You can earn raffle tickets towards weekly gift card prizes with your time read, join us for fun in person events, or participate in our library scavenger hunt!
Scavenger Hunt
Grades 1-12: Join in for our 2023 Summer Reading Scavenger Hunt! 20 book characters are hidden throughout the teen and children's department! Can you find them for a chance to win a $75 Amazon Gift Card?