Government and Politics
March 13, 2025
From: Missouri Governor Mike KehoeJefferson City - On March 13, 2025, in honor of Johnson County Fire Protection District Captain Vernon Collett, Governor Mike Kehoe ordered U.S. and Missouri flags be flown at half-staff at government buildings in Johnson County, the Fire Fighters Memorial of Missouri in Kingdom City, and firehouses statewide on Friday, March 14, 2025, from sunrise to sunset.
“Vernon Collett’s full-time job was with the Johnson County Road and Bridge Department, but he also had a calling to serve his community as a volunteer firefighter with the Johnson County Fire Protection District,” Governor Mike Kehoe said. “For over 29 years, Captain Collett responded to countless fires, vehicle crashes, and other emergencies. He died fulfilling the responsibility he had taken on in order to protect others. We will remember Captain Collett as a model public servant who selflessly supported his community.”
On March 8, Captain Collett, 60, responded and was extinguishing a controlled burn that had grown out of control when he collapsed from a medical emergency and died at the scene.
The flags will be held at half-staff on the day Captain Collett is laid to rest. To view the Governor’s proclamation, click here.