
Applications Are Now Being Accepted For A Member Position On The Board Of Pardons And Parole

Government and Politics

May 2, 2024

From: Utah Governor Spencer Cox

Applications are now being accepted for a member position on the Board of Pardons and Parole.

This position results from the need to fill a longstanding vacancy.

Applications must be submitted online by Friday, May 17, 2024. Questions, or to apply, please contact Jennifer Yim at 801-261-6464 or [email protected].

Selection Process

- Utah law authorizes the Board to submit between three and five names to the Governor for consideration.
- The Governor will appoint a board member, with the advice and consent of the Senate.
- Board members serve a term of five years and the potential for additional term(s).

Minimum Requirements

-Board members must be citizens of the United States and residents of the State of Utah.
- Board members may not hold any other office in the government of the United States, the State of Utah or any other state, or of any county government or municipal corporation within a state.
- Board members should have a post-graduate degree, equivalent to or exceeding a Master’s degree and at least seven years in a criminal justice, corrections, social or behavioral sciences, public administration, law or related fields.
- Board members may not engage in any occupation or business inconsistent with the members’ duties.

The mission of the Board of Pardons and Parole is to protect public safety through informed and just decisions that consider victim input, the accountability of those under our jurisdiction, risk reduction and rehabilitation.